These Women are Dope. Featuring Zetta

Hello readers! I AM SO PUMPED to introduce you to Zetta.  She is worthy of celebration! Zetta is my COOL (literally) cousin from New Jersey. I’ve looked up to her since we were little. The way she speaks, loves, and carries herself is admiring. Zetta’s passion and love for her family shines in everything she does! I am so so so grateful for her kindness. I also need to share that here lately she’s been pushing me to do really brave things. I am HONORED that she’s pouring into me!

Let’s go! 


Hometown: East Orange, NJ

Occupation: Artistic Director of The Cool School of Performing Arts

Dance Educator 

Who I am…

I am Zetta B. Cool, daughter of Mary Ann Cool, granddaughter of Ann Holmes, great grand daughter of Mary Howard.

I am my ancestors faith turned flesh. 

I am a proud 35 year old, 1st time mama to Omari Orion who was birthed in the thick of a global pandemic. 

I am love.

I am truth.

I am worthy.

I am grateful.

What I do…

Aside from my accreditation at Buzz Aldrin Middle School, I am the proud owner and Artistic Director of The Cool School of Performing Arts. 

As an educator, mentor, philanthropist and artist, I am extremely passionate about exposing young individuals to the power of artistic and self-expression. I am currently the Dance Department Head at Buzz Aldrin Middle School in Montclair, NJ. I have successfully shared my love of kinesthetic storytelling, discipline, performance and self esteem to hundreds of middle school aged boys and girls.

I aspire to expose, include and embrace young thriving stars around the world that may never have the chance to experience the arts, but deserves to. 

What is your why? 

My why is my family; especially my mother. I am blessed to have such a phenomenal #Momstar who continues to be our guiding light. She has always made space for me to be myself. Her encouragement, wisdom and support has become my inner voice. Because of her unconditional love, I have been able to realize my ambitious goals and wildest dreams. 

What brings you joy?

My #sonshine! I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy May 2020 who fills my heart, daily. Watching him explore the world is my absolute favorite thing to do. Happiness is dependent upon what is happening. Pure joy exists in moments of nothingness. I could sit and do nothing with him for hours. 

What has been your favorite project so far? 

I recently discovered a passion for helping others launch their business ideas. I am currently working on a campaign called #LetsLaunch where I coach new and future entrepreneurs develop and birth innovative and profitable concepts. 

I am also exploring the world of wellness. I am intentionally dedicating the next 90+ days to my emotional, physical, financial, social, spiritual, intellectual and environmental wellness. 

“Breathe. Keep going. It gets better. “

THANK YOU, ZETTA! #youbelonghere … and thank you for reminding me that I do too!


The Women are Dope Series. Featuring Marissa


These Women are Dope Series. Featuring Q.