The Women are Dope Series. Featuring Marissa

Hello readers! If you are joining us for the first time, this series is all about celebrating DOPE WOMEN. I really wanted to highlight the women in my life that inspire me, the ones that I “look up to.” They deserve it. I am so glad you found your way here! 

If you’ve ever heard me say “well, my life coach said…” I’m talking about Marissa. Marissa was my teacher coach for Teach for America my first two years in the classroom (shoutout to all the Southwest Ohio, swomies) Somehow, she allowed me to still bug her about teacher things up until… umm…always. Not only is she an awesome coach in the educational aspect, she’s an all around LIFE COACH. Marissa is another dope woman that encourages me to do brave (aka SCARY) things. A lot of those things have gotten me to where I am today. 

Marissa, there is a reason we crossed paths when we did, and I am super grateful! 

Here we go! 


Hometown: Twinsburg, Ohio

Occupation: education adjacent :) (I work with school communities to focus on social emotional learning though the shared language of strengths )

Blah - who am I? 

I am a proud 40 (🙌🏽) year old Filipino woman, daughter of immigrants, sister to my siblings, wife of Trav, mother to two amazing girls, and I try to lead with ❤️. 

What brings me joy? 

LOTS OF THINGS! I love to laugh and love to smile, so I try to find the joy in the small moments. In emails, in meetings, in text messages, in pictures, in books, in conversations, in everything, but especially my kiddos. They make me laugh. 

What’s my why? 

I’m not sure when I learned it or really felt it, but ...

it’s been ingrained in me that whatever you choose to do, it should be in service of helping make the world a better place”

So I try to live that out in what I do, professionally or personally, in rooms full of people or in one-on-one relationships. I try to make sure that teachers and schools I work with feel empowered to be their best selves. I like to surround myself with people who help me be better.(reason 983 that you are my life coach!!)

I hope to raise two humans who actively choose to do work that will make the world a better place.

What’s been your favorite project so far? 

Hmm good question. I think everything in my past.. personal and professional, lead me to the moment I am meant to be in! So this may be skirting the question, but everything has been my favorite, and my most favorite project is the project I’m currently in! I love creating professional learning, writing curriculum, and coaching educators to help build SEL (social emotional learning) competencies in their communities! I also know that I wouldn’t enjoy my current role as much if I hadn’t taught in the classroom, coached beginning teachers, and got to be in community with some amazing people. Plus, who doesn’t love when your job is to look for strengths! 

What’s your personal mantra? 

I definitely adapted this from my friend David Weaver, but I think my life motto is, “have fun doing serious things” :) Life can be hard, especially as a woman of color in today’s society, but for me, moments of joy sustain me through any struggle and getting through the struggle gives me joy. And I definitely laugh along the way!

“Dial up the bravery, take some chances! Do something that seems just out of reach” 

….whether it’s applying for a job, joining a club/group, or making a new friend!
Some of my chances led me to move across the country for a job (where I met my hubs), turned my honeymoon into a year long teaching abroad experience, and learning that I love to dance! 

If you don’t already have a life coach.. get one. or two..

THANK YOU, MARISSA! #youbelonghere


These Women are Dope. Feat. JoJo


These Women are Dope. Featuring Zetta