Surviving Pregnancy #3

Our family is growing! Baby Rollins #3 is due December 3 and we are…. Ecstatic!

…. I’ll be honest and say, I don’t always share the “real raw” stuff on social media. With my first 2 pregnancies all the internet really got were the bump update pics, followed by the cute baby pics. I’ve never been one to share the behind the scenes things (vomit, sleepless nights, etc) .. As I don’t want to come off as being a complainer.. Or worse.. sounding ungrateful.

However, like everyone else - I AM HUMAN. & It is fine not to be 100% ok all of the time. This third pregnancy started out ROUGH, with severe nausea and vomiting. Although it hasn’t been ruled as hyperemesis, I have had to go and get fluids multiple times because of constant dehydration.  (I haven’t had regular water to drink in over a doesn’t stay down- peep the image below of our fridge fully stocked with a variety of lemonade, whoops.)


I am now 19 weeks and I THINK the craziness has settled, at least for now. So I wanted to share what has worked for me. For the expecting mamas reading this or even the mamas who have been through similar pregnancy experiences, I know the last thing you want to hear is….“try ginger”.... “nibble on crackers” …. “what about gatorade?”

Newsflash: Literally NONE of those things worked for me, and like duh… I’ve tried everything. All of the above made me even more sick… even looking at or smelling those things… yep. Sick. 

I’ve learned it’s all about trial and error...and patience (which I don’t have much of to begin with anyway..whoops) 

Again, these are the things that have worked for ME… we’ve been referring to them as  “Jazz’s survival kit” and it’s going on ~3 weeks. 

  • Vitamin water (lemonade flavor) 

  • White cheddar puffs (from Aldi)

  • Seedless watermelon 

  • Chik-fil-a (mac n cheese + nuggets)

  • Keeping in touch with close friends 

  • Journaling

  • Rewatching Being Mary Jane (for maybe the 4th time)

  • Rewatching Gossip Girl (still working on this!) 

  • Fresh air 

  • The anti-nausea medicine I’ve been prescribed, HA 

Oh & if you’re thinking “omg, she’s eating what?!...” OR “she’s pregnant she shouldn't... “ OR “she needs to…” 
go ahead and save those thoughts for yourself.. It’s called a survival kit for a reason…
I have to survive.  :) 

And real quick…… Mom guilt and teacher guilt are so very REAL. I found out I was pregnant just as the school year started to get back to “normal,”. And by normal I mean when all of my students were back to “in person” school. For me, the spring semester is typically the most fun, and the most tiring. It was difficult for me to accept the fact that I was not going to be my normal, fun, and energetic self for kids…
BUT I realized that I needed to do everything I could to make sure that I WAS OK. #teachersarehuman

Same for being a mama, the beginning of the summer was a bust, I felt HORRIBLE and continued to beat myself up about the lack of energy I had/have (pretty much all of the month of May and June) for Bray and Broady.. But again. I have to constantly be reminded that I am growing a whole human… and that it takes a lot of work. So I have to make sure that I AM OK!


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