Hot Combs + JET Magazines = Black History




All right, what's up? It's Wednesday, February 22, I think it is, we've only got a few more days left in Black History Month. And this year I didn't really, like celebrate it or even like, acknowledge it as much as I normally do, especially like when I'm in the classroom, um it’s just been like a really busy month. January was also very busy.


But we've been staying with my parents for the past three weeks, because we are getting some work done at our house. And it's basically been like a construction zone. So we've been here with my parents. And  I don't know how this all got started. But I decided to help my mom, clean out slash organize some of her drawers, a couple of them are, you know, junk drawers, and I'm putting an S on it, because……… I'm sorry, I almost just fell down the steps. Because a lot of us have more than one junk drawer like don't try to be fancy, it is what it is. And while cleaning out these junk drawers, we found…they weren't last but we came across some hot combs like the hot combs that you put on the stove,  to get your hair pressed. And it just brought back so many memories of me sitting in the kitchen, in a bar stool. Having my mom press my hair with the hot comb. It made me feel so excited and just like proud. And I got to thinking  like, Black history is in and around this entire house like my parents home is Black History, it radiates Black history. And I don't think that we… sometimes I don't think that I appreciate it enough. And then there's another really hmmm  what's the word I'm looking for? I'm just  gonna say awesome. There's another really awesome piece of Black history that has been in the half bathroom at my parents house. So they have a basket full of magazines. But they're not just any magazine. They are JET magazines, y'all. Like they have a basket full of JET magazines that came from my grandmother's house. And they're like some years old. But they've been in there and like people pick them up and they read them when they're here at the house and they're using the bathroom in that bathroom. So again, just like so much Black history, and


And I'm I'm like proud, like I was talking to Bray yesterday after school. And I was looking through his folder. He was like I have a lot of papers in there. I have a lot of works in my folder today. So I'm like looking through them. And some of them were just like some Black history like assignments. He had some stuff in there where they're like learning how to tell time and just like all the things I was like, out of all of these things like which one is your favorite? Or like what do you want to learn more about.. That’s what  Bradford asked him he said, What do you want to learn more about? And he says Black history! So I'm like, okay, like we gon get this lesson on hot combs. And we gon get this lesson on JET magazines. And like, I'm proud! Those two things and others of course, bring up so many memories and just emotions. And yeah, I'm excited to to share this with you guys. All right, that's it for now.

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Finding Home Part 2: A quick story & journal prompts for kids


Finding Home