It’s true what “they” say about the years…

From a mama in her feelings..

It’s true what “they” they say about the years.. 

Our family is  so young and this season has been tough. This time last year I was on the edge. Wobbling around anticipating labor. Will my water break? Will my body do what it’s “supposed” to do. It’s almost December.. Why am I still pregnant? What’s taking so long? Is something wrong? What day will my water break? Should I go for a walk? Ok, maybe I’ll read a few more pages of this book… 

These thoughts all feel like yesterday.. This time last year we were waiting patiently for Brixens Birth

Now here we are at the end of another year—gearing up to celebrate the first year. 

It’s true what they say about the years.. The days are long, but the years are short. This year was short. 

“Is he sleeping through the night?” 

“You guys look so tired” 

“How long will you nurse him?” 

“Didn’t he just nurse?” 

“Are you going to hold him while he sleeps?” 

“What’s his nap schedule?” 

A year in and I don’t have the answers to any of these….questions. But as I sit here…filled with emotion, days away from his first birthday.. one thing I am so grateful for is how much I’ve held him. I do not regret the hours and hours of snuggles, nursing & contact naps. 

Our family is young and this season is tough. But my gosh there’s so much joy. 

Heavy on the grateful.


An Inclusive December Classroom


“When will you cut their hair?!”