A room parent who misses having her own classroom

Our first born, Bray is finishing out his kindergarten year! As most know I am currently out of the classroom and  in my first year as a teacher coach. It’s been a weird transition  to say the least. Starting the school year without a classroom to set up, without the chaotic fun of creating content, making copies, hanging posters, rearranging desks and chairs…To be clear I am beyond grateful for new experiences AND still being able to create opportunities to fill the void :) 

Another mom and I took on the role of “room parents” this school year. Let me first just add that last year was my first year having a room parent as a teacher. And I was like uhhhhh what is this, I don’t need a room parent, but as the year moved on I quickly realized they are gems. So at Open House when Bray’s teacher put out the sign-up sheet for room parent volunteers I was the first to sign my name :) (Yep, I’m that mom.) 

It’s truly been an honor to be able to support and be part of some of the celebrations they've had this school year. Check them out!

End of year/Spring Craft:

Kindergarten is such a special year! At the actual party- each kid got a bag with a flower pot to paint and flowers with their classmates faces!

This was actually a lot of upfront work, but the reactions—the ooo’s and ahhhh’s from the kids as they pulled out the contents their bags made it all worth it. Also, if you like to laminate and cut (I do) then you can call this therapy :)

Fall Party - Trail Mix:

The goal was for kids to “make” their own trail mix and this was the easiest/safest way to have them do so! They loved it! They each got a a brown paper bag filled with the contents in the first pic.

Love Day Craft:

Mini love letters to a family member!

Can you guess which one is my favorite?

All of them!

Each activity provided me with the positive vibes and emotions that I usually get from my classroom to fill my cup. The void from not having a classroom was filled with joyous activities from my son’s amazing kindergarten class. And this teacher turned coach + “room mom” wouldn’t have had it any other way!


Preparing for Birth: After a Traumatic Experience


First year as a teacher & first year as a mama